Wednesday, March 18, 2020

"Home For the Duration"... journal of this ADHD/ADD/OCD/LMNOP...etc... Science Teacher! 🤔

Day 1, March 16th.....Well, I'm home for the duration of this terrible Pandemic. All of my teacher friends are messaging each other and keeping each other's spirits up. 
It's pretty funny reading how parents are dealing with "remote learning". 
I've got to stop reading Coronavirus updates for a while....anxiety and depression will engulf my soul if I don't. 
I think I'll make a schedule.
Nah....I think I'll  rest today....aka watch TV show reruns, the Hallmark  Channel, and Science Channel shows.
Stay safe everyone!

DAY 2 March 17th.....AGH!!!! I am soooooo bored. And it's  raining! Why does it rain so much in Alabama?
I tried to make a schedule today.
9:30...I checked my Google Classroom account.
9:33... no questions or responses from kids.
9:35....posted a question to see what "my kids" are doing?
*will check back later.
10:00-12:00 nap with the cat.
12:00 - lunch
1:00-? Garage/creative time.....let's see what I can get myself into in the garage.  Maybe I will paint some rocks for the garden
5:00 - Take a walk outside for an hour with Ryan, my son, and Ainsley, my daughter-in- law.
PS.....happy St  Patrick's Day

Day 3 March 19th
8:30...woke up
9:30....breakfast and check messages and emails.
9:45....Google Classroom time. Got 3 responses from yesterday. The kids are bored, too. Glad it's not just me!
10:00 -12:00 nap with cat...Rio is sooo demanding!
12:00...check the rocks....will have to repaint the ones that dripped everywhere. Ewww
12:00 - watching reruns of Ghost Hunters......mmhmm. I am THAT nerd.

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