Mashin' buttons and such....
I REALLY should have titled this...."decluttering ain't happening y'all", but I didn't want to relive my summertime fail all over again. So, I shut the door to the living room closet for now. I'll tackle it again soon and get it completed.
My problem is....... I get easily distracted and start looking at EVERYTHING and then lose track of time and the next thing you know it is 4 hours later.......or bedtime. I tried turning on the TV for background noise,but an infomercial for the Panasonic Smart Home Wireless Home Monitoring and Security System came on, and it absolutely had me mesmerized (remember, easily distracted). The man who was introducing the television audience to this amazing system was soooo animated and proud of item 264-365 with the OPU hub and not 2 but 4 IP cameras and a very large control center with lots and lots of buttons which he kept mashin' and mashin' over and over. I'm not real sure what all they did, but he said they were working and obviously well because one button he mashed set off a siren. I was thinking of the many ways that Rick Nelson could put this around the house for us. I bet that siren would stop any and every opossum from even attempting to get inside my house, again!
Even though the "Critter Gitter" guy said we would never have one get in again, I don't think you can ever be too careful. Plus, there were over 2 dozen buttons that he could mash and keep himself busy, not to mention that hub thingy and 4 cameras. Hmmmmmm, our anniversary IS coming up soon. ;)
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